There can be differences between the "missions with a S" world and the "missional" world - but Michael Goheen suggests there's a lot of common ground. Matthew, Ted, and Mike discuss the mission of the biblical story, the role of the church, vocation, cultural partnerships, and narrative theology.
Michael Goheen is director of Theological Education at Missional Training Center, scholar-in-residence for the Surge Network of Churches (Phoenix), and professor of missional theology at Covenant Theological Seminary (St Louis). Mike has authored, co-authored, or edited twelve books, including Becoming a Missionary Church: Lesslie Newbigin and Contemporary Church Movements (Baker, 2022), The Church and Its Vocation: Lesslie Newbigin’s Missional Ecclesiology (Baker, 2018), Introducing Christian Mission Today: Scripture, History, and Issues (IVP, 2014), A Light to the Nations: The Missional Church and the Biblical Story (Baker, 2011), and The Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story (Baker, 2004). He spends time each year in Brazil, Chile, and Hungary training pastoral leaders. He is married to Marnie and together they have four adult married children and eleven grandchildren.