Now that the Super Bowl is over, we can finally focus on what really matters - BOARD GAMES! Sit on your butt and reminisce with Pip and Gabi about all the best board games. AND, you didn't think we forgot about Book Club did you? Well... we did. Games mentioned: Left Right Center, Balderdash, Scattergories, Shadows over Camelot, MadGab, Mysterium, Code Names, SpyFall, Secret Hitler, Avalon, Betrayal at House on the Hill, One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Dominion, Seven Wonders.
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at "mondayjokecast". Thanks to Timmy Zowada for significant contributions to our cover art. You can find him on Instagram as "timmydrawing". Music is from "Puzzle Pieces" by Lee Rosevere, used under the CC Attribution license. For full song and album click here. Thanks also to Jacob for creating the soundscape for The First Class Lounge of Your Heart.