Happy New Year!!! 2020, the year that will live in infamy, is finally OVER!!! Who's excited for a fresh start? I know I am!
Everyone makes resolutions for the new year, but are yours attainable? Or do you make resolutions that are just too high to reach? It's great to be ambitious, but we should try to make our resolutions reachable so we don't set ourselves up for failure. This week, I share mine and give some advice on how to approach each day with gratitude, regardless of how bad things may seem.
Thank you all so much for a wonderful year that was! I really appreciate everyone who has listened, shared, and followed along on this passion project with me. Let's keep it "moving ahead" and make 2021 the best year yet. Cheers!
Intro and exit music provided by: Sweeter Vermouth by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4450-sweeter-vermouth
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/