Katy Jon is a writer, commentator, educator, keynote and conference speaker, and activist, on social justice, equality, diversity & inclusion (JEDI or DEI), intersectionality, politics & culture, language, literature, theatre & the arts, history & social sciences, religion & philosophy, LGBTIQ+, sex and gender, mental health and wellbeing, human rights, DASV, photography, and many more things besides, ie she is a multipotentialite who has studied and worked in many fields and sees the bigger picture, she hopes, and the intersectionality of ideas and causes.
And so much more! ...... I really enjoyed this interview where we discuss how we can contribute to a better world.
"How fucked up is the world? Fix the world and fix yourself and do it at the same time... make intelligent mistakes... be vulnerable, real, transparent, honest... model imperfection be human... weaknesses cease to be with awareness... control, security, safety are an illusion... people are my drugs... be the change and keep changing... know someone's why more than their what... surround yourself with diversity... be present with your fear and do the shit anyway... to be human is to be afraid... and so is curiosity, discovery, play, risk... don't say don't...do, do, do... have no regrets... teach discovery... how to pick the right kit for you... identify your mountain... focus on discovery not fixing"
Plus marriage, Romanian, other halves, Dutch, 7000 books, Arabic bartering, unconscious bias, 1000 strangers, Cantonese, bipolar, missionary, colour, happiness, medication...
If you want to know more, please go to her website and find it all!
And you can pick her 🧠 brain at:
And on social media at: @katyjonwent