IYENGAR YOGA -- EP. 08 -- In dance school, "Virtuoso" is the word we use when a dancer does something with a high level of excellence, virtuosity, and grace. The first time I saw David Meloni's practice, the only word I could describe it as was "virtuoso". As the holder of the highest level of Iyengar Yoga Certification in the world, one would expect nothing less. In this interview, David shares his story about how he as a teenager fell deeply in love with the practice of Iyengar Yoga, how he searched to find teachers in Italy to guide him on his path, and ultimately how that path led him to the feet of BKS Iyengar himself. We talk about cultivating the spirit of constant exploration within our Iyengar Yoga practice, we explore Iyengar Yoga as it is taught in the world today and what Guruji's teachings actually were, and how we as the global Iyengar Yoga community can move closer to bridging the gap between those two experiences. To study with David, visit his website at: https://www.davidiyengaryoga.it/en