*The audio is not very high quality with this episode. I was in North Carolina at the tie of recording and did not have all of my equipment.*
This was a conversation I had over zoom with Tommy from the BYU Conservatives instagram. We talk about Abigail Shrier's book, Irreversible Damage. It's a bit of a long episode, so buckle up. We talk transgenderism, mental health, identity and a handful of other things. I know these are incredibly sensitive topics. While it is never my intention to do harm, I do think that there are things happening with LGBTQ Youth that require questioning. I am also very aware that questioning any aspect of the transgender movement is immediately labeled transphobic.
I hope that my adult followers who are trans or non-binary or gender non-conforming can understand that I am not questioning their transition or identity. That being said, I do question the motives of trans activists, allies, parents and medical professionals who are pushing young children toward social and medical transition, and I feel there are valid reasons to be questioning those motives.
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