Dr. Bourgeois and Mr. Miller discuss anger and how it is manifested in modern culture and to what degree it is helpful. We also take a look at how religions and philosophies have attempted to address the issue of anger. In the discussion, we move from Christianity to Buddhism to Stoicism in search of an answer. And like most things, perhaps the answer lies within ourselves.
During the podcast, Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh's book Being Peace was referenced as a guide to disciplining one's mind from the chaos that surrounds us on a daily basis.
Prior to the episode's focus, Mr. Miller referenced two historically bent podcasts he finds particularly intriguing.
The first is The Ancients - a podcast found on all platforms that focuses on the ancient world, its people, civilizations and moments in time that altered the history of the regions set in.
The second is American Elections; Wicked Game - a podcast does a deep dive on each presidential election. This is a fascinating look at the forces and people that have shaped those who have sought the highest office in the land.
This episode is sponsored by Ahart Solutions.