George P. Hansen was professionally employed in parapsychology laboratories for eight years—three at the Rhine Research Center in Durham, North Carolina, and five at Psychophysical Research Laboratories in Princeton, New Jersey. His experiments included remote viewing, card guessing, ganzfeld, electronic random number generators, séance phenomena, and ghosts. He has been active in a number of psychic, UFO, and New Age organizations, and he helped found a skeptics group.
His papers in scientific journals cover mathematical statistics, fraud and deception, the skeptics movement, conjurors in parapsychology, and exposés of hoaxes. He is a member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians.
His book, “The Trickster and the Paranormal” looks at the paranormal and encompasses everything from levitating monks to ESP, from spirits to cattle mutilations—an incredible and unsavory hodgepodge. The mix seems incoherent. But the trickster makes sense of it. Among other things, this book explains: Why parapsychology and UFOs are shunned by establishment science; How anthropology and literary criticism apply to the paranormal; Why psychic phenomena are associated with mystical practices; Why tabloids often put paranormal features on their front pages; Trickster theories are not well known. They are scattered across disciplines and hidden in obscure academic tomes. The Trickster and the Paranormal brings them together.
Timothy Green Beckley is a UFO & paranormal pioneer. Since an early age his life has more or less revolved around the paranormal. The house he was raised in was thought to be haunted, he underwent out of body experiences at age six, and saw his first of three UFOs when he was ten. The event stunned him so much that he took out every book on the subject that he could find in the library. He wrote to the local media questioning the policy of silence he was convinced was taking place worldwide.
At fourteen, he was already appearing on national radio and TV, proclaiming the existence of the aliens (whom he now believes to be inter-dimensional to some extent and, as another likely possibility, the product of Nazi wartime technology.)
Beckley started his writing/publishing career in his youth. At age 14, he purchased a mimeograph machine and started putting out “The Interplanetary News Service Report.” Over the years, he has written over 50 books on everything from rock music to the MJ-12 documents. He has been a stringer for the national tabloids, such as the Enquirer, the Star and the Globe, and the editor of over 30 different magazines (most of which never lasted more than a couple of issues). His longest running effort was the newsstand publication UFO UNIVERSE, which ran for 11 years. Today he is the president of Inner Light/Global Communications.
His websites include