Do you ever wonder if the "thanks" in your email sounded TOO cold?
How often do you feel the need to use emojis or exclamation points to make your text sound less threatening?
Do you go out of your way to help others and later feel resent towards the person/thing you said yes to...?
Welcome, this episode is for you!!!!!
On this episode, Surbhi sits down with with actor & comedian, Mallika Dua and comedian MD Anas to talk about being an accommodating doormat. We overthink the difference between being nice and being a people pleaser, holding on to grudges and coping with "Instagram Anxiety".
Disclaimer: The Overthink Tank is for entertainment purposes only and is not a substitute for actual therapeutic advice.
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Mallika’s Instagram:
Anas‘ Instagram:
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Assistant Producer: Sejal Mehra
Recorded at: Trifecta Records
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