• Welcome back to the Paadcast!
• Sorry, we have been busy :(
• Sucharita wants to talk about ‘millenials’
• What is a millennial? Being a child of the internet?
• People born in between the years 1982-2004
• Is it a marketing term, or a popular culture term?
• What are the traits of the “Millenials”?
(Are we all just sapiosexual coffee tasters?)
• Millenial celebrities being viewed as actual human beings?
(LOL whowudhave thought- Miley Cyrus, Priyanka Chopra, Alia Bhat
(In the American Paradigm)
1. Stay with their parents for longer.
2. Student debt
3. Non-religious
The Internet is meant for 3 things 1. Sex 2. Inspiration 3. Cat videos. Finding inspiring stories- Sucharita loves Priyanka Chopra
4. Depending on yourself- Why ‘The Secret”, “Lean In”, depending on yourself (Aditi says the word “Indicative” too many times), Agar who kar sakte toh main kyoon nahi
5. Instant Success! - There’s Vine Stars on Vine Street, and Youtubers on youtubes.
6. Start working later in life- Sucharita’s sister paints shoes (seriously)
Coolest jobs in the world (e.g.) Condom tester, Luxury Bed Tester
7. Travels a lot: The “Gap” Year, Matt Davis- The stand up comedian who sold his Ferrari
• Every generation ALWAYS laments about the next generation. (“Arre humare zamane main…”)
• Sucharita hums a song randomly and we reach the conclusion that everything is cyclical. Life is gr8.