Oh my goodness
This is a lifesaver for inflammation and disc herniation pain and other pains.
You have been asking me for some super simple practical things to do.
Here is one of my favorites
Inflammation is the enemy. Not the disc. I’ll keep preaching that over and over until you get that. Lol
Handling inflammation can happen in a variety of ways.
One of the ways is getting your body to use fat for energy. Known as ketosis (a video on another day) the body is in a place to make massive amounts of energy by using the fat molecules of food and creating ketones that help heal inflammation.
It’s really that cool and simple but it requires healthy fats. And it requires lots of them. Which is hard for people to do.
In reality most don’t actually do ketosis diets but are in fact calorie restricting (another video)
However, SCT Oil which stands for short chain triglycerides is an amazing technology and with just a small amount can force the body to create and use the ketones and battle inflammation
Watch and learn more.
If you want to be healthier and handle inflammation click on the website and get yourself some and try it out.
Not only is it amazing but it tastes amazing and can take the place of butter and coconut oil and really any oil you would use.
Dr Jessy gives a few examples in the video.
Here is the website to order.
And for the holidays you can get 10% off using the code HOLIDAY10
And thanks for being a loyal watcher.