Every year, there are more and more single-father homes. These dedicated dads face unique challenges, including societal stereotypes and biases against fathers. Many navigate their parenting journey without the community support that mothers often receive.
Host Jessica Stewart-Gonzalez sits down with Sleepy Vildosola, a Family Involvement Center Parent Ally and father, to talk about the unique challenges single fathers face in today’s society and the benefits of father education.
Jessica Stewart-Gonzalez is the Chief of the Office of Children’s Health at the Arizona Department of Health Services. She is married, has two young children, and loves reading (anything except parenting books!) and watching movies and TV. She enjoys spending time with her kids (when they aren’t driving her crazy) and celebrating all of their little, and big, accomplishments. Jessica has been in the field of family and child development for over 20 years, focused on normalizing the hard work of parenting and making it easier to ask the hard questions.
Strong Families AZ
Host: Jessica Stewart-Gonzalez
Guest: Sleepy Vildosola
Family Involvement Center
Nurturing Fathers