Happy back-to-school season. 'Tis the season of new routines and high emotions.
It’s the season where your super flexible kids become little monsters that dig their heels in over the stupidest things. Hahaha….alright, they’re not little monsters, but it sure can feel like it some days.
It’s the season of stubbornness, unrealistic demands, lengthy meltdowns, name-calling, and fighting more with their brother or sister, to name a few things you might see from your little one during the first few weeks of school.
This is NORMAL. Maddening as hell, but normal.
This is your child going through a period of change and not quite knowing how to process and deal with their emotions.
And we dive into the specifics in this episode. Enjoy :)
If you're looking for the FREE training on getting your kids to listen without yelling, threats, or bribes, you can get it here: www.parentingwithlindsay.com/FREE