Hope you are well?
As you may have gathered, the podcast feed for The Parish News stopped being updated a while ago. Simply put, I ran out of funds. But, the show continues as a radio show and it is also embedded on my website.
From now on, to listen to the parish news you will have to go to [www.backhouse.wtf](http://www.backhouse.wtf) - look in the menu for the series and you will find the show notes and you will have the ability to listen to the weekly show.
The podcast was a temporary experiment, but I have been forced to stick with Mixcloud and my website solely due to finances.
However, if you did discover this series as a podcast, you are more than welcome to tuck in on my website.
I will write this up as the show notes on your podcast platform so you have the link - but, thanks so much for listening. All the best, bye.