Do you have student loans that you've been paying on for YEARS?? They are out of sight, out of mind but you wish there was a way to make them completely disappear!? Well, there is!! Today you are going to be hearing from Travis Hornsby, owner of The Student Loan Planner. Travis started Student Loan Planner in 2016 after helping his wife tackle her six- figure medical school student loan. Student Loan Planner® has helped 8,034+ clients save a projected $426 million on their student loans! Get ready to learn about the student loan debt forgiveness available to nurses, what the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program is - and if and how you can qualify!!
BONUS!! Get an extra 6 months of email support if you book a consult and mention you heard about Student Loan Planner from The Passive Income Nurse Podcast - Book HERE!!
Ways to connect with Travis:
- Website: Student Loan Planner
Podcast: Student Loan Planner® Instagram: @studentloanplanner__________________________
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