Welcome to the first episode of Wednesday Wisdom!
Wednesday Wisdom was first formed as a gathering of soul kin in workshops and then later, via Facebook Lives. We would connect as a group, receive divine guidance and I would share energetic and spiritual practices and my own personal experiences. These smaller, snack-size sessions will be 10 minutes or less in duration, making it more convenient for you to devote time and space to your spiritual journey.
With so much going on in life right now, it is important to me that you can have some time to yourself to feel relaxed and easeful, rather than feeling overwhelmed and disconnected. It has been quite an intense time inwardly and in our external world. I hope you have been finding time for self care and rest during this time of energetic shedding and further, spiritual unfolding.
I hope you enjoy this week's audio share:
We are shedding old stories and outdated data from within our library of records. Our language and way we have expressed ourselves is evolving exponentially.
If you are finding communication clumsy, confrontational or just a little off, this workshop will assist you through the process of re-association so that you may formulate a higher level of language and adjust to our new level of sensory communication.
Pause the audio when you need to when completing the exercises. If you have any questions or wish to share a breakthrough let me know!