Are you struggling to choose happiness in your life? In this episode, Sarah interviews Darienne Mobley, author of "Dare to Choose Happy" as well as a life and leadership coach. They deep dive into all things productivity and mindset!
Many people do not reflect enough throughout the year. Darienne shares how a great productivity tip is to consciously reflect at certain points in the year to think through what has gone well and what you need to improve on. This can even include reflecting on adding new routines to your day to become more productive.
With the back to school season, now, is the perfect time to reflect as most kids are entering a new chapter and most parents are prepping for it. For those getting their kids ready for this new and exciting time, do the same on a personal level through reflection.
Darienne speaks about how to choose happiness and how to do so intentionally. We are not guaranteed happiness. But it is something we are able to choose through our thoughts and actions. It’s very easy to choose negativity or to focus on small roadblocks throughout the day. It could be a terrible morning getting the kids ready when nothing goes right or a bad day at work. But simply thinking about small things that make us happy and implementing them can make all the difference.
For some, it could be buying some fresh cut flowers for your kitchen or turning on some music in your house to get you in a better mindset. What makes someone happy will differ from person to person, but the end result is the same.
Sometimes being intentional can be tricky, especially when you have a busy day or don't get much time to yourself. Darienne uses four strategies to help with intentional action in choosing happiness. These four are: intuition, clarity, priority and truth.
➡️ Intuition is within all of us and we all need to trust it because it is always right. If you know something will make you happy or doing a specific task or goal will create happiness, you listen to yourself and work towards that.
➡️ The second is clarity, which involves really thinking about what you want and what will truly bring you happiness.
➡️ The third strategy is priority, which involves doing things daily that make you feel accomplished. This can be doing your daily workout or taking time to work on a personal project. These can make even the long days feel more enjoyable.
➡️The last thing is truth which involves speaking up for yourself, even when you think it is hard. Saying no to something because it doesn't bring you joy or happiness is completely okay.
At the end of the day, achieving happiness is a mix of the mindset and the actions. It is the little steps you take each day to move closer and closer to what you define as happy. Whether it be getting to a certain place in your career, settling down with a family or taking a leap in pursuing your passion, small steps each day will lead you to anything you set your mind to.
The sky's the limit!!
Take a listen to learn more about how to be intentional in creating your own happiness!
Episode Highlights:
6:25 Darienne discusses the importance of reflecting on past accomplishments
13:00 Exploration of simple things that bring happiness
14:03 Emphasis on being intentional in choosing happiness
23:20 Importance for speaking up for oneself
42:47 Importance of small steps
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