Welcome back film historians! On a very special 10th episode of The People's History of Film, Dalton sits down with one of his fellow co-founders of The GoodTrash GenreCast, the flagship podcast here at GoodTrash Media. We (meaning Dalton) decided that it would be a fun marker of time every ten episodes to interview one of the other core members of the GoodTrash Media Network, starting in chronological order of when they joined. So consider this part one in a special recurring series of interviews.
Now, those in the know might be aware that Dustin and Dalton, along with PHoF producer Arthur Gordon, started this GoodTrash madness together when they met in college. So really we could've started this series of interviews with Dustin or Arthur, but it seemed appropriate to start with Dustin as he was the wellspring of crazy from which the idea for a podcast came. Beyond that, Dustin is kind of the heart that holds this all together. Not that he'd admit it.
If you've ever wondered a little about the history of GoodTrash Media this episode makes for a good listen as Dalton and Dustin begin the interview with a bit of reminiscing before heaping a nearly self-congratulatory level of admiration on each other. Having know each other for over four years as of the recording, Dalton and Dustin get pretty far down the personal rabbit-hole, making for an interview full of telling stories and a few moments of pretty serious emotion. Enjoy.
Dustin's our very own Eye Protein writer and all of his online work can be found right here at GoodTrash Media.
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