Gail Perry is a nationally recognized fundraising guru. She is a prolific blogger, consultant, coach, and keynote speaker.
In this call, she takes us step by step through how to make a major gift visit.
Here's a cheat sheet if you want to skip around:
Getting in the door. Gail shared some words and phrases to help get the appointment. - 3:30
Getting past the gatekeeper. - 6:11
The advice visit. Gail's favorite way to get in the door. - 8:28
What NOT to say to get the visit. - 11:20
Gail talks about the kiss of death when on a major gifts visit. - 14:40
Gail tells a great story about how she engaged someone and closed a gift by asking advice. - 17:00
Your primary objectives when you make a major gifts call. - 19:45
An amazing true story of how a major gift call went terribly wrong. - 24:42
Charm the receptionist.Make immediate small talk. Get the prospect talking.Follow social customs and rules of business etiquette.Focus on the other person.Number one question: "What are your impressions of ...?"Show up as a likeable person.Watch their body language.Never use PowerPoint.Get out the door and get out on time.You can find more about major gifts and other wisdom from Gail at