It is March 1921. After the U.S. Congress passes the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution, the sale and import of alcoholic beverages becomes a FELONY. The amendment does nothing to slack the thirst of a nation in the grips of the excesses of the JAZZ AGE, however, and an entire generation of CRIMINALS, LOW-LIFES, CHARLATANS, and RAKEHELLS rises to meet the challenge of supplying that thirst. THE BOOTLEGGERS follows two ROCHESTER rumrunners as they smuggle booze across Lake Ontario in an old sailboat while avoiding the LAW, the GANGSTERS, the WOMEN’S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION, and the occasional GREAT LAKE SQUALL.
The Bootleggers Ep. 1: A Fine Day for a Felony (Downloadable mp3 – right click the link and choose “Save Link As…”)
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Written, Directed, and Edited by Karl Sparks
Recording Engineered by Natsumi Mariner.
Voice Actors (in order of appearance):
The Blue Nose – Karl Sparks
Frankie – M. J. P.
Marshal Tate – Greg Madejski
Marcus Sanac – Dan Barnak
Frieda Nigel – Kira Redzinak
Nick Lullaby – Clarence Ling
Jay – Dan Barnak
The Pocket Radio Theater theme is by The Pueblano Boys 2011 –
Our opening credits music is by Meridian Splendor –
Our closing music is “Maple Leaf Rag” by Scott Joplin (written in 1899), recorded by Zachary Brewster-Geisz using orchestra software – this recording was released under a Public Domain Mark 1.0 license and downloaded on 3/7/15 from the following URL:
Photography by Carrie Klocke
Special thanks to WRUR’s The Sting ( for the use of their recording studio and expertise.
This episode was remastered on 9/2/15 to make vocal levels more consistent.
This Radio Drama uses these sounds from freesound:
RemingtonGunshot by fastson (
Old Car Starting in Winter by Tobiasz ‘unfa’ Karoń ( ;
Bullet passes by Audionautics (
Glass Break – Medium Jar by RoganDerrick (
jf Glass Breaking by cmusounddesig (
mp glass break by cmusounddesig (
Bullet Casing on Concrete 2 by SmartWentCody (
m240 by Matt_G (
Hand Winch Quick Release by Benboncan (
Harbor Ambience 2 by cliftonmcarlson (
Cotton Flapping by Benboncan (
Metal squeaking chair by Razzvio (
Jump on big rusty plate construction site 3 by jorickhoofd (
B17h11m00s07jan2008 amidships and hisss by Richard Goodrich (
water near the boat 01 by jazbavac (
wind on lanyards by jimsim (
car door slam 35 A by patchen (
CrackingDryWood by HerbertBoland (
SFX_BEER-Bottle-Cap-Open-POUR by HDM2013 (
Crow by inchadney (