Hello gorgeous soul and welcome to another episode of the Power of Being You podcast!
It is so amazing to see how life brings things together in a way our minds never really could. This episode truly came from pure inspiration and the lessons I have learned from following that inspiration.
I am still on this journey with you, of uncovering different parts of myself that still operate from programming, rather than the pure potential that lies within me and that unfolds itself as I move towards alignment and follow that flow of inspiration. And boy when we do, pure magic happens. Magic according to our minds, because it was still stuck in old ways of thinking.
Since this wisdom has truly changed my life and the lives of others around me, I am so excited to share this episode with you!
What I share in this episode:
What is keeping you from taking aligned and inspired action
What you need to learn to take those kind of actions
How to lift yourself up so that you can start taking aligned and inspired actions
Why this has nothing to do with action, but more with being and embodying
What you will learn:
How to let go of this idea that there is never enough time
How to stop focusing on productivity and instead get into a higher state of being
How to lift up heaviness in your life
How to hold space for what you want
Other resources:
Episode #7: Reframing Discomfort
If you feel like you need help with applying everything that I have shared in this episode, then I want to introduce you to my coaching program. This is for you if you feel stuck. Stuck in your thoughts, stuck in your emotions, stuck in habits that you cannot seem to change. You don't see a way out and you feel you have tried absolutely everything, but the same patterns just seem to repeat themselves, and the same thing is just popping up over and over again in your life.
I can help you find the clarity that you need, help you see what about you isn't truly you and help see where you are holding on to things that don't serve you. I can give you the tools to let go of this, so that you sink into who you truly are and from that place live your life to the fullest and create a life you love.
If this is you, then send me a message, tell me what is going on and what you are looking for and then we can see how that matches with one of my coaching offers. Send me an email at [email protected] or send me a DM on any of my social media accounts:
With all my love
And never forget
The greatest power you have
Is to just be you