Join Darcey and Peter as they discuss the importance of dance in education, and how we can get more children experiencing the many benefits of dance and movement. We are also joined this week by Kelly Dendy who is the Head of DDMIX for Schools which is Darcey's dance fitness program who will be explaining how we can easily fit dance into PE lessons at school. Hosted by Giselle Parker.
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To find out more about Darcey's DDMIX dance fitness program for schools, please visit:
Dame Darcey Bussell
Instagram: @darceybussellofficial Twitter: @DarceyOfficial
Dr Peter Lovatt
Instagram & Twitter: @drpeterlovatt - 'The Dance Cure' by Peter Lovatt is available here.
Giselle Parker - Host and CEO of DDMIX
Instagram: @missgiselleparker
Twitter: @msgiselleparker
Kelly Dendy - Head of DDMIX for Schools
Instagram & Twitter: @dendykelly