The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald, first published in 1872, is a timeless children's fantasy novel. It follows eight-year-old Princess Irene, who lives in a secluded castle in a mountainous kingdom. Her father, the king, is often away, and her mother has passed away, leaving Irene in the care of her nursemaid. One rainy day, Irene discovers a mysterious lady who reveals herself as Irene's great-great-grandmother.Nearby mines are home to goblins plotting revenge against humans. Young miner Curdie discovers their weakness—soft feet—and their plan to flood the mines and abduct Irene. Irene's great-great-grandmother gives her a magical ring with an invisible thread that always leads her home.Curdie and Irene team up to thwart the goblins' schemes. Irene uses the magic thread to rescue Curdie, and they uncover the goblins' plan to tunnel into the king's palace. The goblins' plan fails, restoring peace to the kingdom.
Embark on a magical adventure with Princess Irene and Curdie! Tune in to The Princess and the Goblin on Audio Pitara for a captivating tale of bravery, mystery, and enchantment.