Our guest, Dan Mumford, spent a decade at RADIO 1 in the UK starting at age 25. He then had some other Radio Imaging related jobs but quickly found his place as a successful music and sound design producer/composer/engineer. We discuss his music background, radio background and how they intersect. Of course we talk tech — you better check out the pics of his studio including his modular synth! Maybe most importantly we get into his latest venture, RAFT MUSIC, his own production music library which literally JUST launched days before I am posting this show. We discuss his workflow, the talent with whom he works, ways YOU can make a living producing music and maybe a secret weapon or two you’ll find in his studio.
*Special Note: The music I use in this show is all from RAFT MUSIC!
Follow Dan on Twitter: @DanMumf
Raft Music on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Raft_music
Raft Music on IG: https://www.instagram.com/_raftmusic/
Raft Music: https://raftmusic.com/
Dark Arts FX: http://darkartsfx.co.uk/
Wormhole Plugin: http://www.zynaptiq.com/wormhole/
—Here are links to the Dan Mumford Show Audio—