Welcome back to @TheRealOffside, with a full house this week a.k.a. @RickyGroverUK, @virtualash, @Duah101, @ZaneGroves1 and @7RobLee, back together in the D2 studio. The boys talk about the right to celebrate, and the week's games.
Mr Cuddles @RickyGroverUK takes aim with boxing fans much loved Ricky's Ring. He's talking timing, the power of the punch and Fury back in business Who would you like to see him fight in 2018? Would he beat Joshua? Find out about @ZaneGroves1 5 second rule, and Robert the "Length" Lee is on fire this week with his jibes. Everyone has a Tool of the Week apart from @7RobLee, who has a Cool of the Week. Respect to Keith Chegwin, a 'True telly legend' who passed away this week. Join us for a packed episode with fascinating views on the beautiful game, boxing and entertainment with so much, much more. Follow us on social media where you can tweet us using #TheRealOffside.
The Real Offside Podcast is a D2 Interactive Production for TheRealOffside.com, produced by Dan Drogman and Zane Groves.