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A serious examination of television as a medium of artistic expression and its social impact. Scott Ryan and Joshua Minton, two lovers of television, and their occasional guests walk through the best ... more
FAQs about The Red Room Podcast:How many episodes does The Red Room Podcast have?The podcast currently has 260 episodes available.
June 17, 2021191 The Music of Twin Peaks with F You TammyScott interview the band F You, Tammy members about why they cover the music of Twin Peaks and David Lynch. We talk Sycamore Trees, The World Spins and more. They are promoting a new 7 Inch Vinyl just for you. #twinpeaks #davidlynch 17minPlay
May 23, 2021189: Bob Dylan At 80Scott and Josh discuss their love for Bob Dylan, how they first cameacross and started listening to Dylan and share some of their favoritealbums, songs, and moments of Bob Dylan....more1h 10minPlay
May 19, 2021190 Twin Peaks Q & A at the Mahoning Drive InScott Ryan hosts 2 Q&A's live at the Mahoning Drive-in with Charlotte Stewart (Eraserhead, Twin Peaks), Dana Ashbrook (Bobby Briggs) Harry Goaz (Deputy Andy) and a special guest. Support the Blue Rose at 16minPlay
March 18, 2021188 David Lynch Drive In ShowScott talks with Faye Murman about the Mahoning Drive In David Lynch Weekend May 14-16. They announce the details and talk about the upcoming weekend. Get your tickets at and join Scott and Faye that weekend. #twinpeaks #davidlynch...more1hPlay
December 13, 2020187: Andrew Grevas from 25YLAndrew Grevas joins Scott Ryan to talk about what it is like to run a small business in 2020 and cover Twin Peaks, entertainment, sports and dealing with readers. #twinpeaks...more1h 20minPlay
November 22, 2020186: TV Talk In November 2020We discuss #Queen's Gambit #TheCrown Season 4, #Fargo Season 4, #Billions Season 5, #TheDisappearing, #TheGoodLordBird, #StarTrek #TNG, #NightCourt, #CurbYourEnthusiasm, #DoctorWho #TheConnors...more1h 15minPlay
November 06, 2020185: "Dazed and Confused"Melissa has written an incredible oral history of Richard Linklater's 1993 epic cult film Dazed and Confused. This is a story about artists in a bohemian setting being poured into a commercial studio engine and neither side was ready for the other. A GREAT CONVERSATION!...more1h 6minPlay
August 03, 2020184 Laura's Ghost with Sheryl Lee and Courtenay StallingsScott Ryan interviews author Courtenay Stallings about her book Laura's Ghost. Sheryl Lee also guests and talks about playing Laura Palmer and the dark story that entails. Order the book at #twinpeaks #sheryllee #laurapalmer...more1h 8minPlay
July 27, 2020183: The Last Of Us 2Josh, Bryon Kozaczka from the Twin Peaks Unwrapped podcast and Jubel Brousseau from the Counter Esperanto podcast get together to discuss Naughty Dog's incredible follow-up to their game of the year....more1h 38minPlay
July 17, 2020182 Liberty Devitto Interview The Drummer of Billy JoelLiberty Devitto was Billy Joel's drummer from the 70s to the 90s. Today he is Scott Ryan's guest as they talk about the deep cut Billy Joel songs that made Billy what he is. Be sure to get Liberty's new book about from Hudson Music. #billyjoel...more33minPlay
FAQs about The Red Room Podcast:How many episodes does The Red Room Podcast have?The podcast currently has 260 episodes available.