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A serious examination of television as a medium of artistic expression and its social impact. Scott Ryan and Joshua Minton, two lovers of television, and their occasional guests walk through the best ... more
FAQs about The Red Room Podcast:How many episodes does The Red Room Podcast have?The podcast currently has 260 episodes available.
October 14, 2019Women of Amy Sherman-Palladino IntroductionScott Ryan reads his essay which serves as the introduction to the new book The Women of Amy Sherman-Palladino: Gilmore Girls, Mrs. Maisel, Bunheads. You can order the book at or amazon. #gilmoregirls #mrsmaisel...more23minPlay
August 01, 2019171: Eric Hayden, FuseFX DirectorEric was the Director of Special Effects for Deadwood The Movie and we discuss his career and the production of Deadwood along with other television and film topics. Watch his film "Astronaut The Last Push" on Amazon Prime....more43minPlay
July 24, 2019170 Twin Peaks Event with Sheryl & RayJosh and Scott spent the weekend with Sheryl Lee, Ray Wise and Fire Walk With Me. Scott talks with several of the people who were there about the weekend. Then Scott and Josh do a quick TV talk on the longest Podcast we have done. #twinpeaks...more2h 11minPlay
June 07, 2019169 Deadwood The MovieScott & Josh welcome Tony Stanic to talk about Deadwood The Movie on HBO. Tony actually got to go the premiere in Deadwood with some of the cast. We discuss the plots, the return and the ending. Spoilers....more39minPlay
May 24, 2019168 Martha Nochimson Twin Peaks Lynch InterviewMartha P Nochimson has written a new book called Television rewired. It covers The Wire, Sopranos and Twin Peaks. We mostly talk Twin Peaks Season 3 and original run. Scott and Martha's conversation is lively around the dinner table. This is a long fun filled podcast. Order her book. Subscribe to The Blue Rose...more1h 33minPlay
May 02, 2019166 Jack O'Brien from The Late Show InterviewScott talks with Jack O'Brien who was an audience coordinator and joke writers for David Letterman. He now working at Netflix and has written a book called Re: The Wasps. Order The Last Days of Letterman to hear more from Dave's staff at
April 07, 2019165 "Author Jeff Lemire Take Over To Talk Twin Peaks"Author, Artist & Screenwriter Jeff Lemire interview Josh about his recent book "A Skeleton Key To Twin Peaks." You don't want to miss this conversation about the majesty and masterpiece of Twin Peaks Season 3....more1h 30minPlay
April 03, 2019164 David Letterman and the Final 6 WeeksJoin Bill Carter (The Late Shift, CNN) as he talks to Scott Ryan (The Last Days of Letterman), Barbara Gaines (executive producer of Late Show), Bill Scheft (writer), Brian Teta (Producer) and Jerry Foley (Director) as they discuss the final 6 weeks of David Letterman in Late Night television. Order the book at 6minPlay
April 03, 2019164 David Letterman and the Final 6 WeeksJoin Bill Carter (The Late Shift, CNN) as he talks to Scott Ryan (The Last Days of Letterman), Barbara Gaines (executive producer of Late Show), Bill Scheft (writer), Brian Teta (Producer) and Jerry Foley (Director) as they discuss the final 6 weeks of David Letterman in Late Night television. Order the book at 6minPlay
February 14, 2019163 David Lynch the director series with Mike Mike McGranerMike McGraner plans a Movie marathon of 10 David Lynch Movies in 10 months in Columbus, Ohio. Scott talks to him about the marathon and all the Lynch movies. Get your tickets from facebook at Mike McGraner presents The Director Series...more1h 4minPlay
FAQs about The Red Room Podcast:How many episodes does The Red Room Podcast have?The podcast currently has 260 episodes available.