Welcome to episode 40 of the Richard Dally podcast where I bring you a UK perspective on the latest news and developments from the world of podcasting and Internet Radio.
This week I report on a suspected hack of Mixcloud user accounts, Radionomy shutting down their Internet Radio hosting services, my report on the recent Rain Summit Europe that I attended in London, the tools that Tom Webster and James Cridland use to create their podcasts and a list of some of the best podcasts on the topic of photography.
Websites and articles mentioned in the show:
Mixcloud Investigating Alleged Data Breach Impacting 21 Million Users - https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/7x5g4q/mixcloud-investigating-data-breach-allegedly-impacting-21-million-users?
The Demise of Radionomy Marks the End of Free Streaming for Internet Radio Broadcaster - http://www.radiosurvivor.com/2019/11/27/the-demise-of-radionomy-marks-the-end-of-free-streaming-for-internet-radio-broadcasters/
Radionomy to shutter; Shoutcast offer to internet radio producers - https://rainnews.com/radionomy-to-shutter-shoutcast-offer-to-internet-radio-producers/
Are podcasts a disaster waiting to happen? - https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2019/nov/27/why-podcasts-are-headed-for-disaster
How I make... The Freenoter - https://podnews.net/article/how-i-make-the-freenoter
How I make... Podnews - https://podnews.net/article/tools-used
Rain Summit Europe 2019 - http://rain-summit-europe.com/
12 Weeks of Christmas: 5 of the Most Immersive and Engaging Photography Podcasts - https://fstoppers.com/education/12-weeks-christmas-5-most-immersive-and-engaging-photography-podcasts-429734