K and Jessi are in your ears to talk about other places tastebuds exist, getting to cons and corn, a shocking ID story, switching hands for art, and over zealous bag checking.
Remember you can send us Imported Salt by DMing us through our twitter account.
Please consider donating to getting Jake a new laptop -
If you want to find us on the internets you can do so by going to -
https://twitter.com/podcastsalt - Our Twitter
https://thesaltreport.fireside.fm/ - Our Website
https://podcasts.apple.com/ee/podcast/the-salt-report/id1219089878 - Apple Podcasts
Remember to leave us a review!
https://www.instagram.com/crowfeathercosplay/ K's Instagram
https://twitter.com/filthywizard - Jessi's Twitter
https://twitter.com/Jake_Lionheart - Jake's Twitter
You can support the show financially by sending us a Coffee!
Please tell other people about us and Thanks for Listening!!