In celebration of Geek Pride Day, The Soapbox sent Misakithecute to find out what geek culture means straight from the source- FanCon. FanCon : Cape Town Comic Con is an annual comic convention held in Cape Town with a host entertainment for all lovers of comics and geek & pop culture : an artist alley featuring local, national and international comic artists and guests, a panel programme of talks, discussions, interviews and workshops, comic book launches, artist and author signings, artists selling comics and art prints, exhibitors and vendors selling a wide range of geeky products, retailers of comics, graphic novels, manga, action figures, novelties, and board games. We got a wide range of responses ranging from what geek culture is to what it means to those who are in its community.
About the podcast: Join the Audio Foxes, The RobynHood and Fluffee O’Panda, for stories from the most interesting people you’ll ever meet. We talk to people of all walks of life, age, community and sexuality to find out their stories, passions, missions and projects. And we do it all under a monthly theme. New episodes every Monday. Produced by Lalela Media — Follow The Soapbox Show on Instagram: @thesoapboxshow; Like The Soapbox Show on Facebook: and go to our website: for more goodies like previous interviews from our live radio show: The Soapbox Radio Show. Our music is by Kru5h (Music: kru5h –Strolling in Space)