Sheena graduated from National Art School in 2018. Her practise includes painting vivid landscapes of the natural world in oils, while the invisible and cosmic world are explored in her experimental drawings.
Sheena’s canvases suggest an environment ruled by intense colours that appeal directly to the senses. She chooses natural spaces that offered her either peace, or insight into the world. Sheena offers to recreate the space through the arrangement of colour and form for other people to immerse themselves in tranquility, or the deep information encrypted in nature. People’s interaction with the space is also a prominent theme, and her interaction is to suggest the essence of the space through the arrangement of colours and forms. Her colour aesthetic is one of the most appealing features of her paintings, making the audience explore forms which develop from layers of paint and shades.
In complete contrast, her drawings are an antithesis to her paintings. The ink saturated paper offers a random and unfamiliar space, which serves to represent the collapsing realms of being. There is the macro world, where all is apparent, the micro- where cellular life exists and creates its own realm. Lastly, there is the quantum world, where things become so small they become so great. The world of the very small collides into the world of the very large. By the end of it, we have reached the universe. They both distinguish and create each other. Sheena’s abstract drawings of space, electrons, the womb and suggestions of landscapes convey that these worlds are recurrent patterns of existence. They are of the same substance, and are truly not so different. One can and hopefully gets lost in her work, since the artist tries to offer reconciliation between such seemingly different but familiar worlds.
Despite these different approaches, Sheena offers her audience a space where subtle information about the world can be extracted. These are not just works, but places where people can fall into and remind themselves of natural order. Her attempts to reconcile the apparent world with of the very small, infinite and unpredictable is intrinsic in her work and ongoing. The audience is invited to observe its evolution in passing time.