In this episode of The Story Slot, Jane Grandle narrates the story of Briar Rose.
Bad Fairy – Kelsey Griffin.
12th Fairy – Jane Grandle
Produced by Jamie Dyer, for J Dyer Productions.
Sound FX Supplied by
Spinning Wheel -
This is the story slot. In each episode, we bring you traditional stories with light dramatization.
This story is Briar Rose, originally published around 1812 by The Brothers Grimm.
The Brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, were born in Germany in the 1780s.
They were learned academics, best-known for collecting and publishing European folk stories.
Their collected stories are known by different names throughout the world, and have dropped in and out of popularity over the years.
These works are perhaps best recognised through the many adaptations, rather than in their first-published form.
Among the more famous of these may be Walt Disney's interpretations of Grimms tales such as Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast and even Disney's very first full-length feature, Snow White.