Are we really afraid of change? I’m not convinced that we hate change as much as we say we do. The claim that we hate change is not actually getting to the heart of the issue. I believe that most people do not hate change nor do they fear it. It’s really that people do not believe in themselves nor do they want to arrive at said destination. Change is very much a part of the human experience; it’s happening all around us all the time.
We don’t hate when the sky changes colors as the sky sets.
We don’t hate when the sun peaks through the sky on a cold, cloudy day.
We don’t hate when a child learns to walk.
We don’t hate when a loved one falls in love and gets married.
We don’t hate when we get a new job that we have always dreamed of having.
We celebrate those changes. They make us happy. In those moments, we LOVE change.
So why do we greet some change with a loving embrace while other change we chase out of the house with a shotgun? It’s all about our perspective of change. Change itself is neutral. This means that it has absolutely no feelings towards you. Change is not inherently evil nor is it inherently good. It’s totally neutral. Good vs bad change is all about how we interpret change. We are the ones who attach meaning to change. It’s our perspective that alters the meaning of change. It’s our self-limiting beliefs that cause us to look at change as this scary, impossible task. It’s not the change that you fear, it’s the possible risk of failing or the risk of it not being worth the difficulty of change.
Your interpretation of change dictates your capacity to make changes in your life. Change is not near as difficult as we make it. Today I want to cover a few basic principles that can help you become better at making positive changes in your life.
1. Change will take place with or without your permission.
You are changing every day whether you choose to recognize it or not. You are always changing.
The question we should not be asking is “Should I change?”. The question we should ask ourselves is “Do I want to control the change that takes place in my life?”
If you ever want to become an expert practitioner of change, you must first recognize that change is inevitable. Use that awareness as fuel to choose what kind of change you want to experience. It is much better to choose your change than to just let life happen. Negative decay will always happen on accident. Positive growth will never happen on accident. Positive change will always require your focus and effort. You will never stumble upon positive change. So choose to change for the positive.
2. Change is not as big of a deal as you make it.
Change can sometimes feel so overwhelming. It feels like we are going to sink under the pressure of change. The sad thing about feeling overwhelmed by change is that all that pressure is made up and in our head. It’s not real pressure from change, it’s pressure that you have place on yourself. We are the ones who add weight to change. It’s our perspective of change that makes change so much bigger than it needs to be.
If you expect change to be this vicious, mean, impossible monster of a situation, you will get a very vicious, mean, impossible monster of a situation. Change will always be as difficult as you make it. It’s a perspective thing because like I said at the beginning, change is neutral. It has no desire to destroy you. It has no feelings towards thoughts at all. So if you see change as this funny looking, cuddly, teddy bear of a situation, you are going to receive a funny looking, cuddly, teddy bear of a situation. This is not to say that change is not difficult. If you are training to run a marathon, having a positive perspective won’t make running less difficult. The positive perspective will help you realize that you have what it takes to get through the difficulty of change and it won’t add any unnecessary difficulty to the changes being made.
Don’t add unnecessary pressure to yourself when you are trying to make changes in your life. Change is really not as big of a deal as we make it. It’s neutral. Choose the teddy bear instead of the evil monster.
3. You are as capable as you believe you are.
Change is not some enemy who is rooting for your downfall. Change has not thoughts towards you but guess who does? You. You have thoughts about yourself. Your capacity for change rises and falls based on your self-talk and self-limiting beliefs. Self-talk obviously being the way that you talk about yourself. You would not believe how impactful self-talk is on your ability to make positive changes in your life.
The way that you speak about yourself both reflects your self-belief as well as deepens your already low self-limiting beliefs. If you are constantly self-deprecating, you will strengthen and deepen any negative thoughts that you have about yourself. Self-limiting beliefs are those beliefs that keep us down. It’s the belief that you are not good enough, creative enough, smart enough, strong enough, happy enough, or talented enough. Self-limiting beliefs are the beliefs that slowly over time destroy us. If your self-talk is low and your self-limiting beliefs are high, you will self-sabotage any change of positive change that comes your way. You will not let yourself win. You will not let yourself grow into your full potential.
The more that you believe you are capable of change, the more capable of change you will become. Start by proving to yourself that you can make small changes. Make your bed in the morning and prove to yourself that you can do that ten days in a row. Commit to exercising fifteen minutes a day and do that for ten days in a row. The smallest of changes can start to increase your self-belief as well as improve your self-talk. The more you prove to yourself that you are capable, the more you will feel more capable of bigger change. It’s all tied to your self-identity. You won’t outperform your self-identity. So work on growing a little every day.
So in all actuality, you are not scared of change itself, you simply need to look at change just a little differently. Shift your perspective and watch you grow into a person that embraces change. You are capable of so much more than you realize. The day you start to believe that is the day you start to become a master of positive change in your life.