Do you find yourself shouting at your class more than you'd like? Sometimes things can fall apart a bit, can't they?! As teachers, we have the best-laid plans for our classroom management strategy when we begin the school year. And then...well you know.
During your literacy block, you have a lot of different situations going on from whole group teaching to small group teaching to independent work, etc. It's a lot to manage for you and a lot of expectations to remember for your students.
In this episode of The Teach Joyfully Podcast, I have the path you'll need to diagnose the classroom management problems, when those behaviors are happening and what to do to fix them.
It all really doesn't have to fall apart.
Don't forget to check out the path, all the resources, and grab the freebie Power Phrase Worksheet if you don't already have it. It's all in the show notes!