We came two different parts of the world. We grew up with very different experiences to define us, and here we are trying to lead the same path.
We came two different parts of the world. We grew up with very different experiences to define us, and here we are trying to lead the same path.
On this episode of The Thoughts Within I was asked by a colleague of mine, a fellow photographer, if he could join me on my next episode. Here it is. He is a very similarly minded individual and what he has to say I think we could all learn something from.
Turner Sutton | @theartistwithin.me
Aaron Swiderski | @swiderski
Talked about products and services
Leyefe | https://www.theleyefe.com | @theleyefe
The Go Giver, The Go Giver - Sell More
The Go Giver Link | https://www.amazon.com/Go-Giver-byBurg-Burg/dp/B006CN98B6/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=the+go+giver&qid=1555630901&s=gateway&sr=8-2
The Go Giver - Sell More Link | https://www.amazon.com/Burg-Go-Givers-Paperback-【2018】-Author/dp/B07JP68TD4/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=the+go+giver+sell+more&qid=1555630949&s=gateway&sr=8-6
Thank you for your time.