In this out-of-canon minisode, explore the to-reads not readened, listen to 25% of the usual cat sounds to which your host is typically subjected, enjoy a teaser of our Series 2 upcoming book, and play with audio editing buttons instead of interstitial music. If you only listen to one epis
The To-Read Pile
The podcast that reads to you! Great works by (mostly) women. Commentary. Interviews. Cat sounds.
Podcast Generator 2.7 -
Wed, 23 Dec 2020 16:19:15 +0000
Copyright Erin Bardua
The To-Read Pile
The podcast that reads to you! Great works by (mostly) women. Commentary. Interviews. Cat sounds.
The To-Read Pile Podcast
Erin Bardua
Erin Bardua
[email protected]
Episode 15: The Ubiquitous Drummer
Chs. 7, 8, 9, and 10 stare deeply into the soul of Chicago, and go elbows-deep into tins of lobster, tubes of pheasant, and Mud!! CW: bridges, intentional weight loss
Reading chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10 of By Motor to the Golden Gate by Emily Post. Power outage edition! In which Mrs. Price-Post compares all things to the Statler Hotel in Cleveland and finds much of it wanting. However, Chicago loves itself, and that is valid! We also learn about Proto-Puffs and various things that either are or are not in fact Swedish. And finally, we encounter some of these dire roads that we've been teased with since the Prologue. Wait, was it called a Prologue? Who even remembers. CW: bridges, intentional weight loss