I’m a former financial professional who is now a self-directed investor.
I cut my teeth on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, so I saw firsthand how the “sausage was made” – and it wasn’t pretty…
I could go on and on about all the terrible (and just plain wrong) aspects of the financial industry… but here’s what I hated the most: not being able to do more for my clients to protect them and help them generate better returns.
That sounds like any oxymoron… that a financial entity should try to protect its customers and make them money. But that’s furthest from the truth…
I got so fed up with the way things were done that I left the industry during the financial crisis in 2008, to help active investors lacking the confidence and know-how. My goal was – to provide them with out-of-the-box methods to reduce risk, create better returns and generate income though options trading.
And since 2008, I’ve changed the lives of thousands of traders and investors… so they could save up or retire more comfortably.
Welcome to the Expert Trading Systems Podcast with your host Steven Cawiezell.
Steven has established TheTradersPlan.com as a distinctively unique ETF & Growth stock newsletter that focuses on trends in the market indices. Being a former Financial Advisor at a large broker dealer (and watching portfolios crash in 2008) forced Steven to create a Simple, Powerful Market Timing Strategy That Consistently Outperforms the Market Indicies that anyone can follow"
To watch a free training webinar where Steven shares with you the secrets to his easy to follow ETF trading system simply go to TheTradersPlan.com
On the Podcast Steven brings together trading systems experts, Professional Traders, and financial authorities to share with you how they help their clients make profitable trades and you can too.