1 in 200 kids are estimated to have PANS/PANDAS – but that number is likely lower due to the lack of education surrounding PANS/PANDAS.
PANS/PANDAS, which stands for Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome and Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections, is a condition that affects children's brains and behavior. It can be difficult to see your child experiencing sudden and sometimes severe symptoms that may disrupt their daily life.
⭐In PANS/PANDAS, the immune system, which is meant to protect the body, starts to act in a confusing way. Instead of only fighting off germs, it mistakenly attacks the child's own brain cells. This inflammation in the brain can lead to various symptoms such as changes in behavior, mood, and cognitive abilities. It's important to remember that these symptoms are not your child's fault; they are a result of the immune system's response.
It's essential to seek medical care, find understanding healthcare providers, and access support systems to help you navigate this journey. Remember that you are not alone, and there are resources available to help you and your child cope with PANS/PANDAS. With proper diagnosis, treatment, and support, you can work towards managing the symptoms and improving your child's well-being.