If there is one episode I am super proud of, it’s this one! Anya Charnaud BA(hons), FDsc,PGcert,PGdip, MA, MBACP acred is an integrative, trauma specialist psychotherapist and clinical supervisor. She has experience working in complex mental health, addictions and has worked with victims of modern slavery, human trafficking and sexual violence. Anya has been my psychotherapist for just over a year now, she was aware of TSW and provides insightful and practical guidance.
In this episode we discuss TSW trauma and PTSD, what is happening in the body and mind during and after trauma. We talk about coping strategies, and practical tools you can implement. We cover some really challenging subjects, including suicidal ideation and the symptoms of PTSD and triggers - so you may want to stagger your listening. But I do know the guidance, and EMDR exercise we go through were invaluable to me and I hope they will be to you.
Please could you share this episode with all of your TSW social media followers - we never know who might be struggling at any point and this episode might just give people the support they need at this time.
If you are struggling now please do use 999 or 111in the UK or the emergency services in your country.
Anya Charnaud BA(hons), FDsc,PGcert,PGdip, MBACP acred
Integrative and trauma specialist psychotherapist and clinical supervisor. If you would like to work with Anya you can contact her at www.ANCtherapy.com
Please note Anya is not a crisis service if you are in crisis or need urgent medical attention please call 999, your GP or the NHS 111 service.
Resources and references discussed during the podcast:
Gabor Mate ‘When the body says no’.
Trigger warning: Bessel van der Kolk ‘ The body keeps the score’
Trigger warning: Viktor Frankl ‘Man’s search for meaning’
Polyvagal theory - vagus nerve’s role in emotional regulation, social connection and fear response.
EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing
TRE: trauma release therapy - TRE® : Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises, an Introduction with Jessica Schaffer - YouTube
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) APT service www.nhs.uk
https://dilemmaconsultancy.org/ linked to the new school of counselling and psychotherapy.
Shakti /Acupressure mat: The Shakti Acupressure Mat - Total mind and body relaxation – Shakti Mat UK Cheaper alternatives can be found on amazon
CosiCare ice roller. Discount code ‘RELIEF’