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Let's get it started, everyone! Join us this week for another episode of the TurtleDub Podcast while Doug and Marissa talk about gun control, school zones, the EpiPen price crisis, human natural selection, the end of the world (the asteroid QL44), and a brief lesson in coffee production. THIS WEEK ON YOUTUBE, enjoy this comedic video that epitomizes my experience traveling on airlines, plus it's Patrick Stewart: https://youtu.be/ObgpFydLOcw
Our website is www.TurtleDub.com. On Twitter, we are @doohveeder and @marissaertel. You can also find TurtleDub on Twitter @turtle_dub, on Facebook, on Twitch @turtle_dub, and on YouTube. We hope to be delivering some video content sometime. Please engage us, as we love to create bonds with our community. Thank you for listening!