It is an amazing story y'all! A story that involves the Comanche Indians, one of the world's most legendary Texas cattlemen, Yellowstone National Park, cutting edge genetic testing, Ted Turner (yes THAT Ted Turner), one of the most spectacular (yet overlooked) state parks in all of Texas, and a charming little town named after piles of horse manure. Sure enough! In this fascinating episode, Nik and Dusty travel to the tiny town of Quitaque, Texas to talk with Donald Beard, park superintendent at Caprock Canyons State Park, which is home of the historic Texas state bison herd. In a wide ranging discussion they talk about the story of the bison, BisonFest - the music festival they inspired, how COVID-19 is affecting Texas state parks, and how a thunderstorm and a praise band changed a family forever. Find links to what's discussed in this episode HERE. Thanks for subscribing!