How about a little conversation about Immigration and how it supposed to work or at least how it used to?
We wanted to Fact Check the Mr. Rogers rumors and myths after we were so hard him last week. Definitely NOT a pedophile.
Does anyone remember Ray & Pete, we have a little flashback to the Drew and Mike Show from days of old.
Maybe we found this year’s Dumbest Criminal, keep your drugs out of the pictures of the items you’re selling.
Have you seen the new version of COPS now running? The Preacher Man seems to think it’s missing something.
Austin, Texas is no longer responding to all police calls, you may need to call 311 instead.
Look out Brian Laundrie, “Dog” the Bounty Hunter is on your trail.
William Shatner is finally on his way to space, for reals’.
I think we’ll have shot to that guy, this weeks Shot of the Week is 1776 Bourbon.
This weeks Deep Dives cover some Queensryche and then on to some Q-Lazzarus. Somehow this lead us into a really true crime deep dive.
This weeks TOP11 looks back to some of the businesses, both large and small, that have disappeared over the years.
This weeks Joke of the Week goes back to some Redd Foxx.
President Biden’s pole numbers seem to be tanking and we’re trying to figure out why.
At least The Detroit Lions are staying consistent along with some other local sports to follow.