The notorious Black Family go head to head with renowned journalist May Bea Sunshine in a battle of wills, morals and social clout as their personal lives unravel and the skeletons crammed into the closets of their past threaten to explode all over the Underground.
Featuring the first four episodes of the Underground storyline: Let the Games Begin, The Deal, Who Do I Want to Be Today and The Siren Call of the Perverse.
Produced by Chastity De Vice and Mama Natalia.
Bella De Jac as Bella Jade Black
Rowan Fortune as Dunstan Kreutz
Mama Natalia as Jasper Black/May Bea Sunshine/Belladonna Black
Pippy Scream as Bethany Black
Betty Blood as Betty Black
Vincent Prize as Jett Black
Rebecca DeMichele as Emily “Red” Gabrielle
Ryan Rhys as Jerald Black
Chastity De Vice as Alina Bellamantis
Justin Schaifer as Harry Kane
Charlie Douglas as Evelyn Greene/Dr J. Bailey/Celebrant.
Miki Media as Clinic Nurse
and special guest Reuben Kaye as Raoul
Please consider donating to our fundraiser at:
Supported by the City of Melbourne COVID 19 Arts Grants.
CW: The Underground Hour Podcast is strictly for adults only and contains coarse language and discussion of themes and concepts that may trigger or offend. Trigger warnings apply and listener discretion is advised.