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The Data Reaper podcast is a companion piece providing extra insight into the weekly report about the Hearthstone meta found at Join us for a deeper dive into the numbers to help... more
FAQs about The Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Podcast:How many episodes does The Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Podcast have?The podcast currently has 186 episodes available.
July 24, 2022Episode 96: Premeditating on Murder at Castle NathriaAll the cards are out and we have over a week until we get to play with them... so what do we do? We theorychat! Zach has been deep in the lab making decklist drafts and Hat got to play on the theorycrafting stream--tune in to hear where our perspectives overlap....more2h 2minPlay
July 10, 2022Episode 95: Double Zilliax, Hat!We have new information that shows that Renathal is actually making some decks better instead of worse! On top of that, we have a bunch of new cards to review together....more1h 27minPlay
July 02, 2022Episode 94: The Prince Renathal EpisodeYou knew it was coming. Do you want to hear about how Renathal decks are doing after a few days? Of course you do. ...more1h 16minPlay
June 25, 2022Episode 93: You Should Play Holy PaladinIt's yet another meta where the best deck is both underplayed and in the Paladin class. Just play it. But hey, we have stuff to talk about in every class! Well, almost every class......more59minPlay
June 20, 2022Episode 92: The Big Spell Mage CounterYou might need one if the meta keeps going the way it's been headed. After the last round of changes we have another completely new meta - tune in to get our first impressions!...more1h 22minPlay
June 12, 2022Episode 91: Shield ChatterIt's Warrior's format now and we're all just living in it. Well, Warrior and Rogue. Well, Warrior, Rogue, and DH......more1h 19minPlay
June 05, 2022Episode 90: It Doesn't Beat Warrior Any MoreUnless you're playing Boar Priest or Alignment Druid, at least. We have a lot to talk about with mini-set standard and there's also 10+ minutes of Elden Ring discussion after the outro!...more1h 30minPlay
May 22, 2022Episode 89: The Buffs Were GoodNo, really, they were. We might not have a single dead class... there's one that we have questions about but it's not the one you think. ...more1h 19minPlay
May 07, 2022Episode 88: How Ya Doin Zach?There has been some concern that Hat always ask Zach how he's doing and never gets an answer. Fear not, because this week we get the answer. Tune in to find out! We also talk about standard and some of the new high skill cap decks that have made the rounds on social media. ...more1h 21minPlay
April 30, 2022Episode 87: Call to BarnesThere are some pretty interesting post-nerf insights, though of course the diamond elephant in the room gets some special coverage again this week from Zach. All his homies hate Drek'Thar. But there's more to talk about too- especially with some classes that gained some breathing room after the Kazakusan rework. ...more1h 31minPlay
FAQs about The Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Podcast:How many episodes does The Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Podcast have?The podcast currently has 186 episodes available.