This podcast episode starts off with a book recommendation. Then it’s on to emerging trends that tee up challenges to solve and opportunities to seize for event organizers.
Wisdom@Work: The Making of a Modern Elder
Chip Conley’s latest bestseller explores a segment poised to deliver meaningful value for events – Modern Elders.
In our zeal to connect with younger generations, could we be ignoring a segment that could deliver more Know-How and more Know-Who for events?
Event Trends Wisdom from Michael Dominguez
If you’re a big fan of industry events, chances are high that you’ve enjoyed a Michael Dominguez keynote presentation. Mike’s adept at helping us all to connect the dots, as he reveals event trends and economic trends that will impact our industry in the future.
In this chat, we moved through several hot topics, including technology, keeping up with the speed of change, and leveraging data to design more relevant event experiences. We also dig into hotel booking trends and why more transparency is needed on both sides.