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A Volley-talk show for anyone who loves volleyball! We talk culture and all things volley. We debate, go in-depth with unique perspectives, and get nerdy about our favorite sport: volleyball! Crushing... more
FAQs about The VolleyNerd Podcast:How many episodes does The VolleyNerd Podcast have?The podcast currently has 70 episodes available.
August 04, 2020Brazil and USA Club Volleyball Compare and Contrast with Rodrigo SuelottoBoth the United States and Brazil are two of the strongest volleyball programs in the world, yet they approach many facets quite differently. In this episode Top Professional and Club Coach Rodrigo Suelotto discussed what each country can learn from the other....more54minPlay
August 02, 2020The Recruiting Process with Dianne DeNecocheaDianne DeNecochea’s experience in professional volleyball and coaching her daughter in club led to her starting a niche recruiting agency, ProactiveVolley. In this podcast she shares so much great insight about how to navigate the recruiting process!...more1h 11minPlay
July 31, 2020Building a Culture of Discipline and Pride with Kelly DrobeckEveryone talks about building a strong, competitive culture. Coach Kelly Drobeck has done that year in and year out with her teams. In this podcast Coach Kelly Drobeck goes into detail about how she has made her programs so successful: by making practical the themes of discipline and pride....more47minPlay
July 31, 2020What Can Men’s and Women’s Volleyball Learn from One Another? with John LandichoCurrently the Head Men’s Coach at Miramar College, and with 5 State Championships with the girls at Franco’s ParkerHigh School, Coach John Landicho is the right person to talk to about how we can learn from each other to make each other better!...more1h 4minPlay
July 30, 2020Beach and Indoor Volleyball Compare and Contrast with Justin MarshallOne Beach Lead Coach and Park University Assistant Beach Coach Justin Marshall joins the podcast to discuss how beach and indoor can benefit one another. He offers some really insightful similarities and differences between the beach and indoor games, cultures, and teaching methods....more51minPlay
July 27, 2020Max Potential with Top Club Coach Luis CuatokOne of the top club coaches in the country, Luis Cuatok joins the volley nerd podcast to discuss how to maximize the potential of our athletes. He starts with philosophy and then gets into practical tips for how to insure that your team is moving consistently forward....more53minPlay
July 26, 2020The Ultimate Sideout The Movie PodcastIn this podcast we do a deep dive on the movie Sideout from a VolleyNerd perspective and have fun breaking down one of Volleyball’s best movies OF ALL Time!...more1h 10minPlay
July 25, 2020Junior College Men’s Volleyball with David ProffittSan Diego Mesa Head Men’s Coach David Proffitt gives us his take on why athletes choose junior college volleyball, The Cal Promise Program, and enhanced stats for winning at the JC level....more45minPlay
July 23, 2020Level Up with Paul AraizaLeveling up your game is hard. College Beach Volleyball Coach Paul Araiza dives into what it takes to take your game to the next level. He talks about taking charge of your confidence by putting in the work and shares his story of the grind to becoming an AVP Pro....more44minPlay
July 21, 2020Mental Skills Training with Roxanne BrunstingSelf-determination theory, the importance of a mission statement, how to manage our energy, self talk, and many more topics are discussed in this important overview of mental skills training from UCSD All-Everything, Roxanne Brunsting...more49minPlay
FAQs about The VolleyNerd Podcast:How many episodes does The VolleyNerd Podcast have?The podcast currently has 70 episodes available.