So, this is listener Jim Hampshire and this dude rode a Harley-Davidsion Pan Am recently in then 2021 Iron Butt Rally. That's 11,000 miles in 11 days across America, man. BUT ON A HARLEY PAN AM! He comes on to tell us the whys and the hows and the severe brain injuries he suffered earlier on in life that led to him making such bad decisions now!
You can can check out his YouTube where he blogs a bit about it:
That looks comfy for... not 11 days.
Wheelnerds stickers and keytags for sale!
Check them out here!
- Skullcrusher (or if link is dead: SKULLCRUSHER)
CafezukiNice Thruxton, but that nice?Please don't buy, I don't mean it.IT YELLOWI WANT GROMNOT YELLOW- Go check out Trevor's Dirt Ninja!
-'s Email About Keytag and Stamp
Listeners, what secret message was Chuck trying to send with this stamp?
"Come back, Mike. Your family misses you. Leave the poop alone."
Permanent Links:
- Bath Bomb Diva's handmade bath bombs and shower steamers
Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)
Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at [email protected]. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.