Episode 26: International Director of Corporate Outreach for Animal Equality, Jaya Bhumitra
Hello and welcome back to the Woke Stutters Podcast. I am your host AJ Garcia. For episode 26, I am joined by the fabulous Jaya Bhumitra. Jaya has more than 15 years of campaigns, public affairs, and public relations experience in both the private and nonprofit sectors. She earned bachelor’s degrees in international business and marketing from Georgetown University and a master’s degree in psychology from Pepperdine University. She currently serves as International Director of Corporate Outreach for Animal Equality, an Animal Charity Evaluators Top Charity, leading teams in Mexico, Brazil, Italy, Spain, India, Germany, the UK, and the U.S. working to effect policy changes that reduce the suffering of animals raised and killed for food.
Jaya also serves on the advisory council of Encompass and she serves on the board of Food Empowerment Project, I had both Aryenish and Lauren on the podcast a couple of months back so make sure to check those episodes out to learn about those two amazing organizations.
Finally, Jaya is the editor of The Enlightenment Adventures, a series of animal-protection-themed novels by Christopher Locke, her partner in life and advocacy.