Here are 16 Affirmations to create a positive mental atmosphere by William Walker Atkinson. Atkinson was one of the greatest spiritual teachers to ever live and influenced so many teachers who came after him so I want to share with you his affirmations to improve your life.
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Here are some of the affirmations I discuss in this talk:
1. I surround myself with an atmosphere of success.
2. I am positive. I have a strong will. I make a positive impression on those coming into my mental atmosphere.
3. I am fearless - absolutely fearless - nothing can harm me.
4. I kill out all worry and discouragement - I radiate hope, cheerfulness and good nature. I am bright, cheerful and happy, and make all around me feel the same way.
5. I am well poised, calm and self-controlled.
6. I have a perfect mastery over my temper, emotions and passions, and all recognize this to be a fact.
7. I am at ease here, and all bashfulness and timidity has departed. I am calm, at ease and feel at home.
8. People like me - I am surrounded with a mental atmosphere that causes people to like me.
9. I am master of my surroundings - nothing disturbs me - nothing affects me adversely - I am master.
10. I am surrounded with a mental atmosphere of protection. No one's adverse thoughts, currents or suggestions can penetrate this protective armor. I am safe from mental attacks. I am safe, strong and positive.
11. I am asserting the mastery of my real self.
12. I am using my will power.
13. I am alive.
14. I can and I will.
15. I am dynamic
16. I am always in the right place at the right time doing the right thing.