Phyllis (Waitaha, Kati Māmoe, Kai Tāhu, Ruahikihiki, Kati Huirapa ki Puketeraki)
Phyllis always knew that her tūpuna’s land was waiting for her and her whānau at Te Awa Koiea, Brinns Point. She shares with us her journey of reconnection not only to the whenua, but to her whakapapa and her Māoriness.
With a smile on her face, she contemplates how much family means to her, and how blessed she feels to be surrounded by them.
Click here to see Phyllis' photography portrait.
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With each new episode, this podcast gives you access to the audio portraits featured in the Wāhine exhibition currently touring Aotearoa New Zealand.
Each story reminds us that while we are all unique in our own ways, many of our experiences, tribulations and assimilations are alike, creating common ground and a solid base for a more truthful and open intercultural dialogue. This exhibition and podcast strives to inspire empathy in us all and ignites a wider sense of belonging, kinship, and togetherness. If your day allows it, I invite you to take a break and drop in...
The beautiful waiata/song in our introduction was created by the special Wāhine Mā.
Enjoy your journey, and thank you for listening.
Ngā mihi nui, Loren
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